Directional Drilling For Mac

MacMa has been providing Horizonal directional drilling/boring with high success over the past years. Our services extend to cover a multitude of HDD(Horizonal Directional Drilling). Providing for communications industry, Home & Pipeline, fiber optic placement underground, structured wiring for both commercial and residential of voice and data. Directional Drilling is a versatile and all-inclusive utility specially made to help engineers, technicians, drillers and tool pushers from the petroleum industry. The fully-featured application provides you control over directional drilling of oil wells by means of calculations and plotting of well planning.

We possess knowledge drilling up tó 750mm dia. For resources. Benefits of Directional Drilling:. No ecological interruption as areas are not broken up or damaged to any great extent. Minimum traffic disruption. Approved strategies for pipe laying from 25mmeters to 750mm diameter.

Fast turnaround. Pretty financial for stream crossings, train crossings, road crossing and roundabouts. Resources Makes use of:. Water. Gas. Electric powered Supply.


Telecommunications, etc. What wé do:. /how-to-make-iphone-6-unlocked.html.

Directional Drilling For Municipal Water Lines

We are involved at each phase of planning and initial survey. Choose the drilling rigs and tools best appropriate to that specific job.

Preliminary bore and recognition.